The Human Revolution: a new docuseries from ABC TV



A new docuseries on human evolution produced by WildBear Entertainment and titled “The Human Revolution” was broadcast last week on ABC TV. It consists of two episodes that focus on how the story of our species has been re-written by stunning discoveries of human remains, art and artefacts analysed by sophisticated dating, genetic and microscopic imaging techniques.

The first episode traces the human story back through deep time to discover who our ancient cousins really were, and what they can tell us about our own story, while the second episode traces our journey out of Africa and beyond. Along the way we established civilizations and diverse cultures. Cutting edge science reveals how we changed the planet and even ourselves.

You can watch my interview and expert comments on how we can reconstruct the diet, health and lifestyle of our ancestors using advanced techniques, and you will know more about the Neanderthals and about the impact of the transition from a hunter-gathering lifestyle to an agricultural way of life. You can watch the two episodes on ABC iView



Luca Fiorenza

Luca is Head of the Palaeodiet Research Lab and he received his Bachelor/Master degree in Natural Sciences in 2003 at La Sapienza University in Rome (Italy), and completed his PhD in Biological Sciences between the Goethe University and the Senckenberg Research Institute (Frankfurt, Germany) at the end of 2009. During his doctoral degree he was part of an outstanding multidisciplinary network called EVAN (European Virtual Anthropology Network), where he mastered cutting-edge techniques for the study of anatomical variability, including medical imaging, 3D digitisation, display, modelling and programming. Luca’s research interests mostly focus on functional morphology of the masticatory apparatus in human and non-human primates, and on the importance of the role of diet in human evolution.